CC Resolution 1982-055', CITY OF LA QUINTA RESOLUTION NO. 82-55 PERSONNEL RULES AND REGULATIONS I. GENERAL PROVISIONS II. RECRUITMENT III. TYPES OF APPOINTMENTS AND ELIGIBILITY FOR FRINGE BENEFITS IV. DEMOTION AFTER PROMOTION V. CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT STATUS VI. SEPARATION FROM CITY EMPLOYMENT STATUS VII. GRIEVANCES VIII. APPEALS IX. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN X. HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY TIME XI. HOLIDAYS XII. VACATIONS XIII. SICK LEAVE XIV. LEAVES OF ABSENCE XV. RETIREMENT XVI. FRINGE BENEFITS XVII. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS XVIII. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', RESOLUTION NO. 82-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE PERSONNEL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by law to adopt rules and regulations for the administration of the personnel system; and WHEREAS, the objectives of these rules are to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management in the municipal government; and WHEREAS, these rules set forth in detail those procedures which insure similar treatment for those who compete for original employment and promotion, and define many of the obligations, rights, privileges and prohibitions which are placed upon all employees in the service of the City; and WHEREAS, at the same time, within the limits of administra- tive feasibility, considerable latitude shall be given the City Manager in the interpretation of these rules. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, does hereby adopt the following rules SECTION 1. The following Personnel Rules are hereby adopted: PERSONNEL RULES I GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Purpose. It is the purpose of these Personnel Rules to facilitate efficient and economical services to the public and to provide for a fair and equitable system of personnel management in the City of La Quinta. These rules set forth procedures for original employment and promotion, and define the obligations, rights, privileges, benefits and prohibitions which are applicable to all employees of the City. The City ascribes to an Affirmative Action Policy and these personnel rules reflect those principles. 2. Violation of Rules. Violation of the provisions of these rules shall be grounds for rejection, suspension, demotion or dismissal. 3. Departmental Rules and Regulations. These rules do not preclude individual City department heads from developing and administering supplemental personnel regulations, as long as they BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ',do not conflict with these rules or other Council resolutions or ordinances. 4. Conflict of Interest Code. Certain designated employees are required to file statements of economic interests when appropriate conflict of interest codes so specify. II. RECRUITMENT 1. Selection Criteria. Appointment of individuals will be made on the basis of merit and ability. No appointment of a qualified person to, or removal from, a position in the City?s personnel system shall be affected or influenced in any manner by any consideration of handicap, race, color, ethnic or natural origin, age, sex, political or religious opinion or affiliation. A. Age Limits. Minimum or maximum age limits for any city employment examination shall not be established, and age shall not be a minimum qualification for any city employment. Any person shall be eligible to take any city employment examination, regard- less of age, and the city council, the personnel officer or any other person shall not include age limits in any employment announcement or adopt any rule prohibiting the employment of any person, otherwise qualified, in any city employment solely because of age. The provisions of this section shall not, however, be deemed to apply to the employment of policemen or firemen. 2. Eligibility. Individuals shall be recruited from a geographic area as wide as is necessary to assure obtaining well- qualified candidates for the various types of positions. Appli- cation forms shall require information covering training, experience and scientific, professional or technical, or the duties of which require special qualifications, may be required to provide documentary evidence of a satisfactory degree of education, training, and experience. References provided by candidates may be checked by personal or telephone contact, and may be documented and made part of the applicant's file. The City Manager may reject any application which indicates that the applicant does not possess the minimum qualifications required for the position. Applications may be rejected if the applicant has made any false statement of any material fact or given wrong or misleading information. 3. Access to Summary Criminal History Information. The City Manager is authorized to have access to State and local summary criminal history information in order to enable him to fulfill his duties in the employment, supervision and termination of City employees, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1321 of the Statutes of 1974 and of Section 432.7 of the Labor Code. 4. Examinations. The selection techniques used in the examination process shall be imparttial, of a practical nature, and shall relate to those subjects which fairly measure 2 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ',the relative capacity of the persons examined to execute the duties and responsibilities of the position which they seek. 5. Physical Requirements. The City may require that all applicants and employees be in such physical or mental condition to perform the duties of their jobs and may require periodic medical or psychological evaluation. No employee shall hold any position in a classification in which he cannot physically or mentally perform all the duties of the job adequately or without hazard to himself or others. 6. Employment of Relatives. The employment of relatives of City employees will not be permitted within the same department unless specifically approved by the City Manager. No relative by blood or marriage shall be supervised by another relative. 7. Pre-employment Physical Examination. Potential employees shall undergo pre-employment physical examinations. The examination will be performed by a physician selected by the City Manager, at City's cost. III. TYPES OF APPOINTMENTS AND ELIGIBILITY FOR FRINGE BENEFITS. The following types of appointments may be made: 1. Regular Employees. A regular meployee is one who has completed a six month probationary period and is employed full-time. Full time employment is 40 hours per week. The regular employee receives all fringe benefits. 2. Seasonal Employees. Seasonal employees are appointed in the same manner and are subject to the same procedure as regular employees except that they will be laid off at the close of each season for which they have been appointed. Seasonal employees shall not be entitled to any fringe benefits other than Worker's Compensation Insurance. Student Appointments. Student appointments have the purpose of affording students of public administration and other professional areas an opportunity to gain actual work experience. Such appointments require the approval of the City Manager and shall not be eligible for fringe benefits other than Worker's Compensation Insurance. 4. Temporary Appointments. In order to prevent stoppage of public business or serious inconvenience to the public, appoint- ments may be made for an indefinite period of time and can be either full-time or part-time employees. The full-time temporary employees are not eligible for fringe benefits other than Worker's Compensation Insurance. 3 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', 5. Part-time Appointments. Employees who work less than 20 hours per week are part-time employees. Part-time employees are not eligible for fringe benefits other than Worker's Compen- sation 6. Beginning Employee. During the first six months of employment, the employee shall accrue but not take vacation days and shall accrue and may take sick leave after it has accrued. The full-time employee shall be entitled to receive all fringe benefits. IV DEMOTION AFTER PROMOTION Promotion Rescission. Upon failure to satisfactorily perform the duties of the position to which a promotion has been made, the employee may be reinstated to a position in the class occupied by the employee immediately prior to his promotion. V. CHANGES IN EMPLOYMENT STATUS 1. Promotion. Vacancies in the City service shall be filled by promotion if, in the opinion of the City Manager, one or more employees are qualified for promotion. 2. Suspension. The City Manager may suspend an employee from his position for a disciplinary purpose. Suspension without pay shall not exceed thirty 30) calendar days in any fiscal year. VI. SEPARATION FROM CITY EMPLOYMENT 1. Resignation. An employee wishing to leave the City in good standing shall file with the department head, at least two 2) weeks before leaving the City, a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for leaving. The resigna- tion shall not be withdrawn after its acceptance by the City Manager. 2. Layoff. The City Manager may lay off an employee in the City's service because of changes in duties or organization, or shortage of work or funds. 3. Disability. An employee will be separated for disa- bility when he cannot perform the required duties because of a physical or mental impairment. 4. Death. All compensation due an employee shall be payable, as of the date of death, and shall be paid to the estate of the employee or to the person previously designated by the employee pursuant to Government Code Section 53245. 5. Retirement. Whenever an employee meets the condi- tions set forth in the retirement plan regulations, he may elect to retire. 4 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', 6. Dismissal. Any employee in the City?s service may be dismissed by the City Manager for any of the following rea- sons, but the city Managers dismissal rights shall not be limited to only such reasons. a) fraud in securing employment b) incompetency c) inefficiency d) negative attitude e) neglect of duty f) insubordination g) dishonesty h) drinking while on duty i) the use of illegal narcotics and habit-forming drugs while on duty j) absence without leave k) conviction of a criminal offense 1) discourteous treatment of the public m) political activity in violation of the law n) willful disobediance o) misuse of government property p) acceptance of any valuable consideration which was given with the expectation of influencing the employee in the performance of duties q) falsification of records or use of official position for personal advantage r) anytime during the first six months of employment without right of appeal VII. GRIEVANCES 1. A grievance is a complaint by an employee concerning the interpretation or application of policies and procedures gover- ning the City personnel practices, work rules, unsafe or unhealthful working conditions, disciplinary actions which are not subject to the appeal process, or alleged improper treatment that cannot be resolved in an informal manner between the employee and the immediate supervisor or appropriate official. 2. If the grievance is not adjusted by the supervisor to the satisfaction of the employee, the employee is authorized to submit the grievance to the City Manager for resolution. The decision of the City Manager is final, and not appealable. VIII. APPEALS 1. An employee may within 10 days of receipt of a written order from the City Manager for dismissal, demotion, suspension, or reduction in salary, file an appeal to the City Council. 2. The City Council shall require the appeal to be in writing and filed with the City Clerk. The hearing shall be conducted at a regular or special City Council meeting, which may meet in closed sessions unless the employee requests a public hearing, and the City Councils decision shall be final. 5 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ',Ix. CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN 1. Job Specifications. The City Manager shall prepare a job specification for each position. The City Council shall approve each job specification. 2. Compensation. The compensation plan includes the basic salary schedule as adopted by the City Council and subsequent amend- ments thereto, and the assignment of the various classes of positions to the appropriate ranges in the salary schedule. 3. Maintenance of the Compensation Plan. The compensation plan is intended to provide fair compensation for all classes of employees. Adjustments to the compensation plan shall be recommended by the City Manager and approved by the City Council. 4. Setting Salaries. All salaries and compensation of officials and employees of the City shall Consist of their regular salary and compensation as set forth in the annual fiscal budget of the City as approved by the City Council or by separate resolution. 5. Payment of Salaries. Salaries shall be paid upon demands audited and allowed by the Director of Finance. Salaries can be adjusted and amended in excess of that shown in the budget throughout the fiscal year upon recommendation of the City Manager and approval of the City Council. 6. Compensation Range. Where a range is assigned, the range shall include five merit increase steps; each step shall be approximately five percent 5%) higher than the preceding step. 7. Initial Appointment Step All appointments shall be made at the minimum step within a particular range, but the City Manager may approve a higher starting rate of compensation if the best interests of the City so require. 8. Anniversary Date. The anniversary date shall be the day following the successful completion of the fir?t six month employment period. When an employee is promoted, the effective date of that action is the new anniversary date. 9. Advancement in Salary. The employee will move from Step A to Step B after the successful Completion of the first six month employment period. Annually thereafter, on the anniversary date, advancement to the higher Steps from Step B through Step E shall be considered and granted only as a result of a written evaluation of continued meritorious and efficient service, and continued improvement by the employee in the effective performance of the duties of the position held. Advancement in step shall be reviewed by the Department Head and approved by the City Manager. 10. Exceptional Advancement. In cases wherein an employee demonstrates exceptional ability and proficiency, such person may be advanced to a higher step within a range without regard to the minimum length of service provisions contained in this Section. 6 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', 11. Periodic Reviews. After the first six 6) months employment period, and annually thereafter, a performance evalua- tion shall be prepared by the department head and approved by the City Manager. In the case of the performance review of the City Manager, the City Council shall prepare the evaluation. 12. Part-time and Temporary Part-Time Employees. Such employees shall be paid on an hourly rate unless otherwise provi- ded at the time of hirinq or at a later time. 13. Promotion. Any employee who is promoted to a posi- tion having a range number higher than the position he occupies shall commence work in the higher range at a step that is a minimum of five percent 5%) increase above the rate he was receiving when promoted. 14. Demotion Pay Rate. When an employee is demoted to a position for which he is qualified, his salary shall be set at the step rate in the lower pay range which provides the smallest decrease in pay. 15. Pay Periods. All employees shall be paid semi-monthly. Compensation shall be paid not earlier than the 15th and the last day of each month, and not later than the 20th and the 5th day of each month for the preceding pay period. Step increase or promo- tions shall be effective at the beginning of the pay period in which they fall. Dismissal pay shall be effective on the day of the action. X. HOURS OF WORK, OVERTIME AND COMPENSATORY TIME 1. Work Week. The work week for all employees, except part-time employees, shall be forty 40) hours per week, eight 8) hours per day, five 5) days per week. 2. Overtime. The City Manager may authorize reasonable periods of overtime work for any employee, which shall be compen- sated at straight time off or, if approved by the City Manager, may be paid at one and one-half 1) times the hourly rate of the employee S salary, if money is budgeted for overtime work. Overtime may be accumulated to a maximum of 40 hours. Compensatory time off shall be scheduled by the department head, with approval of the City Manager. 3. Exempt Positions. The compensatory time of f and overtime provisions of this Section shall not apply to the following: Positions requiring attendance at numerous extra-hour meetings and conferences are designated as follows: 1. City Manager 2. Community Development Director 3. Administrative Assistant/secretary 4. Community Safety Coordinator 7 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', These employees shall be granted up to ten 10) days compensatory time off per year. This compensatory time off shall not be accumulated beyond the calendar year in which it is earned. The above compensatory time off shall be allowed at the discretion of the City Manager. 4. Other Compensatory Time Off. The City Manager may grant compensatory time off to any City employee in unique situa- tions where actions of the employee, over and above the call of duty, clearly merit such consideration. XI. HOLIDAYS 1. The holidays observed by the City shall be: January 1 New Year's Day 3rd Monday in February Washington's Birthday Last Monday in May Memorial Day July 4 Independence Day First Monday in September Labor Day November 11 Veteran's Day Ncvember 25 Thanksgiving Day November 26 Day after Thanksgiving December 25 Christmas Day 2 Floating Holidays This holiday shall be taken at a time convenient to both the employee and the City) 2. Holidays on Weekend Days. Holidays which fall on a Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday Holidays which fall on a Sunday shall be observed on the following Monday. 3. part-time Employees. Part-time employees shall not be paid for holidays unless they are employed on a monthly salary basis. XII. VACATION 1. Vacation. All employees, unl?ss otherwise provided by the City Council, shall accrue vacation according to the following schedule: During the first five 5) years of service, employees shall accrue vacation at the rate of 0.83 days per month. Employees with five 5) or more continuous years of service shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.25 days per month. Employees with ten 10) or more continuous years of service shall accrue vacation at the rate of 1.67 days per month. 2. Vacation Approval. Vacation time shall be taken at the approval of the City Manager. 3. Vacation Postponement. If an employee does not take his vacation in any calendar year, he may, subject to approval of the City Manager, be allowed such vacation during the succeeding calendar year. In no event, however, shall any employees' vacatiOn with pay exceed thirty 30) working days in any calendar year. 8 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', 4 Holidays Within Vacation Period. Holidays falling within the vacation period shall not be considered as part of an employees vacation. Whenever a holiday falls within an employees' vacation period, an extra day may be added to his regular vacation period or used at the discretion of the employee with approval of the City Manager. Illness during a vacation period shall not be considered as sick leave. 5. Unused Vacation Pay. Any employee who is eligible for vacation benefits and wishes to terminate his employment with the City, will be paid for any unused vacation. 6. Effect of Absence on Vacation Period. Absence due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence will not affect computations for vacation periods, unless such absences exceed one month, in which case that month or more shall be excluded from computation. XIII. SICK LEAVE 1. Use of Sick Leave. Sick leave shall be used for illness, off-duty non-work connected injury, physical examination, including eye examinations, dentist appointments or other commonly accepted health related matters. 2. When Eligible. All full-time employees are eligible for sick leave. Part-time employees are not eligible unless other- wise provided at the time of hiring or at a later date. 3. Number of Days Sick Leave Allowed. The employee shall be credited with one 1) day per month of work, or major fraction thereof. 4. Limit. Any unused portion of accumulated sick leave may be carried over into the next calendar year; provided however, an employees' accumulated sick leave may not exceed 120 days of unused sick leave, further accumulation shall not be allowed. However, to encourage attendance at work and discourage the frivo- bus use of excess sick leave, employees with continuous employment of five 5) years or more may receive a payment in cash of 25% of unused sick leave when they resign or retire. Employees with continuous employment over ten 10) years may receive in cash 50% of the unused sick leave when they resign or retire. This compensation in cash shall be at a straight time rate. 5. Filing Statement of Cause. An employee who is absent because of illness shall be required to file a written statement describing his illness or reason for absence, which then must be approved by the City Manager. If an absence because of illness or disability extends beyond three consecutive work days, the employee may be required to file a statement from his physician. 6. Effect of Absence on Sick Leave. Absence due to sick leave or other approved leave of absence will not affect computations 9 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ',for sick leave unless such absences exceed one month, in which case that month, or more, shall be excluded from computation. XIV LEAVES OF ABSENCE 1. Family Illness Leave. If an employee requests to be absent from duty because of an illness in his immediate family which requires his attendance, he may, at the discretion of the City Manager, be granted leave from his accrued sick leave not to exceed 6 days per year. For purposes of this action, the following are considered members of the immediate family: mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, grandparents, in-laws and legal guardians. 2. Bereavement Leave. Bereavement leave with pay, not to exceed 3 days, shall be granted full-time employees at the discretion of the City Manager. This shall be the maximum time allowable based on demonstrated need and shall be limited to death within the immediate family. For the purposes of this action, the following are considered members of the immediate family: mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, children, grandparents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and legal guardians. 3. Jury Duty. An employee summoned to and serving on jury duty shall submit evidence of the summons to the City Manager and may be absent from duty with full pay. The employee shall be entitled to retain the pay received for jury duty as reimbursement for the additional expenses associated with jury duty. 4. Subpoenaed Absence. An employee who is subpoenaed, or required to appear in court as a witn6ss, may receive his regular pay during his absence if, in the opinion of the City Manager, the serving as a witness is deemed to be in the best interests of the public. Paid leave of absence shall not be granted when the time is spent in court for personal reasons not connected with the employee 5 official duty. 5. Leaves of Absence. An employee may be allowed a leave of absence without pay by submitting a written request to the City Manager, which has received prior approval by the department head. The City Manager may grant an employee a leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed six 6) months. During such leave without pay, vacation, sick leave and holiday credits will not be accrued and the employee will be excluded from all other compensation and fringe benefits. 6. Military Leave of Absence. Military leaves of absence shall be governed by the provisions of Sections 395 et seq. of the Military and Veterans Code. 7. Pregnancy and Confinement. A female employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay during pregnancy and confine- ment upon submission of a physician1 5 certificate to the City Manager. Such leave may not be taken earlier than the sixth month of pregnancy and shall not exceed six 6) months duration. 10 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', 8. Tndustrial Accident Leave. Whenever any regular employee is absent on account of injuries arising out of and in the course of his employment, such employee shall receive full compensation during the first seven 7) days of such absence. Thereafter, compensation shall be paid in accordance with and under the provisions of the Workers Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State of California. The City shall, in addition thereto, compensate any employee who is still absent from duty after the seventh day, an amount equal to the difference between the amount said employee receives from the Worker?s Comp- ensation Insurance Fund and the amount of his regular compensation, provided that the circumstances contributing to the employee 5 injuries and prolonged absence from duties are such that in the opinion of the City Manager the employee is justly entitled to receive the maximum allowance as provided herein. This additional compensation shall be for a maximum periof of one year. The one year period need not be consecutive if the employee's absence is directly traceable to a single accident. A. Any period of time during which an employee is required to be absent from his position by reason of an injury or disease for which he is entitled to receive compensation under the provisions of Division 4 commencing with Section 3201) of the Labor Code is not a break in his continuous service for the purpose of his right to salary adjustments, sick leave, vacation or seniority. 9. Unauthorized Leave. Any employee who is absent from work without approved leave shall be subject to termination. XV. RETIREMENT 1. public Employees Retirement System. All regular em- ployees of the City, except elective officers as defined in Government Code Section 20361, who work at least 20 hours per week or an average of 87 hours per month are automatically covered by the City's contract with the public Employees Retire- ment System. Membership shall commence immediately upon employment. XVI. FRINGE BENEFITS 1. Enrollment in Health Insurance, Dental Insurance Coverage. All employees who are employed on a full-time basis 40 hours per week), the City Treasurer, and any elected official, shall be eligible for health and dental insurance coverage, which becomes effective on the first of the month f?llowing the employ- ment date and continuing throughout the month of termination. Cost of the insurance is borne by the City. XVII. MANAGEMENT RIGHTS 1. The City of La Quinta, California, retains all its exclusive rights and authority under State law, and expressly and exclusively retains its management rights, which include, but are not limited to: 11 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', a the exclusive right to determine the misSiOn of its constituent departments, commissions, boards; b. set standards and levels of service; c. determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotions; d direct its employees; e. establish and enforce dress and grooming standards; f. determine the methods and means to relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or other lawful reasons; g. maintain the efficiency of governmental opera- tions; h determine the methods, means and numbers of kinds of personnel by which government operations are to be conducted; 1. determine the content and intent of job classi- fications; determine methods of financing; k. determine style and/or types of city-issued wear- ing apparel, equipment or technology to be used; 1 determine and/or change the facilities, methods, technology, means, organizational structure and size and composition of the work force and allo- cate and assign work by which the City operations are to be conducted; m. determine and change the number of locations, relocations and types of operations, processes and materials to be used in carrying out all the right to contract for or subcontract any work or operations of the City; n. to assign work to and schedule employees in accordance with requirements as determined by the City and to establish and change work schedules and assignments upon reasonable notice; 0 establish and modify productivity and performance programs and standards; p. discharge, suspend, demote, reprimand, withhold salary increases and benefits, or otherwise discipline employees in accordance with appli- cable law; q. establish employee performance standards including, but not limited to, quality and quantity standards, and to require compliance therewith; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and r. exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work. 2. he exercise by the City through its Council and management representatives of its rights shall not in any way, directly or indirectly, be subject to any procedure. 12 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ',XVII. EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES In addition to complying with these rules, each employee shall be responsible for the following: 1 Reporting Absence. In order to receive compensa- tion while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify his immediate supervisor or a responsible person in the department prior to or within one hour after the beginning of his regular daily schedule. 2 Safety and Health. Each employee shall comply with CALIOSHA safety laws, rules and regulations. All employees shall follow safe practices, use personal protective equipment as required, render every possible aid to safe operations, and report all unsafe conditions or practices. A. Employees shall avoid drinking any intoxicating beverages prior to reporting to work and at any time during the work day including lunch or dinner breaks; and employees shall not have in their possession any intoxicating beverages. 3. Outside Employment. No employee of the City may engage in additional employment outside the official hours of duty unless approved by the Department Head. No Department Head of the City may engage in additional employment outside the officail course of duty unless approved by the City Manager. 4. political Activity. Except as necessary to meet Federal law requirements, no restrictions shall be placed on the political activities of any officer or employee of the City of La Quinta other than the following: 1. Use of office, authority or influence to obtain change in position or compensation. a. No employee shall directly or indirectly, use, promise, threaten or attempt to use his office, authority or influence, to secure, or to ob- struct or prevent another person from securing any position, nomination, confirmation, promo- tion or change in compensation or position within the City, upon the condition that his vote or another's vote, influence or action shall be given or used in behalf of, or withheld from any candidate, officer, or party, or upon any other corrupt condition or consid- eration. Government Code 3204) 2. Soliciting political funds or contributions from other officers or employees. a. No employee shall directly or indirectly solicit political funds or contributions from other employees of the City. he employee, however, is not pro- hibited from communicating 13 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02 ', through the mail or by other means, requests for political funds or contributions to a significant segment of the public which may include officers or employees of the City. Government Code 3205) 3. No employee shall engage in political activity during working hours nor engage in political activities on the City premises. Government Code 3207) 4. No employee of the City may engage, during his workinq hours, in the Sohoitation or receipt of political funds or contributions to promote the passage or defeat of a ballot measure which would affect the rate of pay, hours of work, retirement, civil service, or other working conditions of the employees of the City, nor shall entry be permitted into the City Hall during working hours for these purposes. Gov- ernment Code 3209) APPROVED and ADOPTED this 5th day of October 1982. 1// MAY? ATTEST: i? x)>? fy ERK APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT ITYATTORNEY? ITY GER 14 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:24:26AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 55-U02