CC Resolution 1982-070'p RESOLUTION NO. 82-70 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated December 21, 1982. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1982. MA?'$YOR( ATTEST CITY C??RK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ITY ATTORNEY j)?x? AER BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:40:52AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 70-U02 'p CITY CF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGTSTER December 21, 1982 U.S. Postmaster Postage postage meter 1196 $ 100.00 Western Fire Journal Subscription, 12 issues 1197 12.95 Missing from sequential printed checks 1198 Palm Desert Chamber of Commerce Mayor?s & Councilmen's Breakfast 1199 40.00 Security Pacific National Bank Withheld federal income tax, October 1200 1,461.00 security Pacific National Bank Withheld federal income tax, November 1201 1,587.90 Employment Development Department Withheld state income tax, Oct./Nov. 1202 691.80 Payroll, 12-01-82 through 12-15-82 1203- 1207 3,495.74 U.S. Postmaster Bulk rate permit and annual fee 1208 80.00 Cemco Polaroid 660 Camera & film 1209 99.15 Best, Best & Kneger Professional fees re litigation 1210 841.49 Daily News Personnel advertisements: Building Inspector and Clerk-Typist II 1211 57.60 The Desert Sun Personnel advertisements: Building Inspector and Clerk-Typist II 1212 70.40 Imperial Irrigation District Electrical service, November, 1982 1213 53.14 City of Palm Springs Health insurance, Nov./Dec., 1982 1214 1,203.30 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:40:52AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 70-U02 'pDemand?Warrant Register Deceinber 21, 1982 Page 2. sargent-Sowell, Inc. 3 dog traps, 1 cat trap 1215 $ 846.40 University of California, Riverside Vehical rental, Kevin Carrigan 1216 159.29 Ray Wood Associates Contract financial services, Nov., 1982 1217 400.00 TOTAL $11,200.16 BIB] 04-24-1996-U01 09:40:52AM-U01 CCRES-U02 82-U02 70-U02