CC Resolution 1983-065(d RESOLUTION NO. 83-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Co?ncjl of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated November 1, 1983. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 1st day of November, 1983. MAYOR ATTEST: 7 APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT TO<RNEY?? AGER? BIB] 04-29-1996-U01 08:09:01AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 65-U02 (d CITY OF IA QUINTA DEM?ND/w?Rz?? REGIS?R Nov?r??r 1, 1983 DAVID SULLINS 1996 $ 450.00 One 1) light-duty utility trailer ThEAJRER, STATE OF CALIFO?IA 1997 70.00 ReTh??urs?nt for canfinnation of paym6nts to City per Diehl, Evans & Co., audit U.S POS??ASTER 1998 254.91 Postage: Clean-Up Day flyers 1999 75.00 General Ass?ly Mtg. of 10/25/83 STATE TT?EASUEER 2000 407.27 Un?loyrr?nt insurance contribution return & report: Quarter Ended 9/30/83 EMPIOYMNT DEVEI?PM??T DEPARIMENT 2001 455.50 Quarterly Contribution Return, Withheld State Taxes STATE OF CALIFORNIA-BOARD OF EQUALIZATION( 2002 790.00 Filing Fee, Annexation No. 1 CASH 2003 90.99 Petty cash reilflburs?nt W? & JA P?RS 2004 200.00 One 1) GE refrigerator for Carm. Center VoID 2005 00 PAYT?OLL, 10/16 10/31/83 2006- 9,408.44 2028 D. CARMICEAEL 2029 150.00 Janitorial Services: 9/14-10/14/83 DELTA ELE?CAL SERVICE 2030 237.51 Installation of light fixture, Suite C DUCA AND OY 2031 1,421.00 Review Tract Map 18765-1 GENERAL ThL?PHONE 2032 618.48 Phone Services, Septeeeer/October, 1983 IMPERIAL IRRIGATI? DISThICT 2033 224.03 Electrical services, 9/83 through 10/7/83 PARKSIDE PHySICIZ?NS, INC. 2034 35.00 Pre-?loyn?nt physical: Tan Hartung BIB] 04-29-1996-U01 08:09:01AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 65-U02 (dDE?D?/?RRANT REGISTER Nov?rber 1, 1983 Page Two. RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF Department of Health 2035 $ 650.94 Animal Control Services: Sept?rber, 1983 RIVERSIDE, COUNTY OF Sheriff's Dept. 2036 74,837.60 Sheriff?s patrol services: 7-1-83 through 9-30-83 RIVERSIDE, CCUNTY CF Supply Services Division 2037 111.53 Office supplies & Spec. Dept. Supplies & BINNEY 2038 180.15 Office egui?ent WESThr?N FIRE JOUr?N??L 2039 14.95 Subscription fee 1/84 12/84 AL O,683.30 BIB] 04-29-1996-U01 08:09:01AM-U01 CCRES-U02 83-U02 65-U02