CC Resolution 1984-034)1 RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING, WITH CONDITIONS, SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-001 FOR CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of Specific Plan No. 83-001 pursuant to Section 65500 et seq. of the alifornia Planning and Zoning Law and has transmitted the same to the City Council in compliance with Section 65502 of said Law; and WHEREAS, the City Council has held at least one public hearing on Specific Plan No. 83-001, as required by Section 65503 of the California Planning and Zoning Law; and WHEREAS, the specific plan, as amended, is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan; and WHEREAS, development of the project, as amended, and in accordance with the conditions of approval, will be compatible with existing area development; and WHEREAS, construction of the project in accordance with the conditions of approval will not be detrimental to public health and safety nor will it place an undue burden on public utilities, facilities and services; and WHEREAS, the City finds and determines that each and every condition included in the specific plan is an integral part of the underlying specific plan approval; that each condition was imposed to ensure, among other things, consistency with the general plan and mitigation of envi- ronmental consequences; that the City would not have approved said specific plan in the absence of requiring compliance with each and every condition; and, that if any condition herein is invalidated by the action of the Applicant, or is not complied with by the Applicant, said specific plan approval, including the design thereof, shall be subject to recon- sideration by the City upon written notice to the Applicant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of La Quinta does hereby adopt Specific Plan No. 83-001, as amended, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, for certain property in the City, subject to Conditions 1-37 as listed in attached Exhibit #1, Conditions of Approval Specific Plan No. 83-00l'?, which exhibit is incorporated herein as though set forth at length. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk shall endorse on said Specific Plan No. 83-001 the date of its adoption by the City Council and the date of its approval by the Planning Commission. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1RESOLUTION NO. 84-34 APPROVED and ADOPTED this 15th day of May 1984. C MAYOR ATTEST CIT? C?E APPROVED AS TO FORM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: jfl<?cIYY'AT?RNEY BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1SPecIFIC Pi;? 83-001 MAY 15, 1984 DUNA IA QUINTA 1. The Applicant shall c?ly with jbit *?A?', the caribined Envirofl??tal Report and Sp?ific Plan d?ment, and ibit B", the Specific Plan Land Use Sur?? Map, for ific Plan No. 83-001, and the following conditions, iich cor?itiOns shall take precedence in the event of any oonflict with the pr?isions of the specific plan. 2. Prior to tle issuance of a buIlding pernit for construction of any use nteep1ated by this approval, the Applicant shall first obtain any reguired zoning ad land divisior? approvals in accordance with the reguir?f?ts of the MUnicipal and L?se and larid Division Ordinances. ils/CeolOg?' 3. The Applicant shall c?ly with the latest Uniform Building Code, as adopted by the City of La Quinta. The appr?riate seismic design criteria will depend upon the type and use of the proposed stnicture and the underlying geologic conditions. Hydrology/water Conservation 4. prior to the appr??al of final tract maps, the approval of zoning perrrLits, or the issuance of building permits, the Applicant shall prepare a hydro- logical analysis for approval by the city engineer lch will indicate the rn?thod and design to protect the proposed developeent fr?? the 100-year flood. This plan shall be consistent with the pLirposes of any plans of the Redevelopment Agency and the Coachella Valley Water District then in effect for flood protection. 5. Prior to approval of building permits, the plicant shall prepare a water conservation plan hich will indicate: a. tlods to minimize the consunption of on-site water usage, including water saving fixtures, ought?tolerant and native landscaping, and programs to ifilmize landscape irrigation. b. thods for minimizing the effects of increased on-site ninoff and increased groundwater recharge, including the construction of on-site collection and groundwater retention basins c. thods for rrir?*zi? the arount of groundwater puped out for on-site irrigation, including the use of reclaimed water. Archaeology 6. If burled renains are encountered during development, a qualIfIed archaeologist shall be contacted rndiately and appropriate mitigation measures can be taken. Air Quality 7. The Applicant shall utilize dust control j?asures in accordance with the MLinicipal Code and the Uniform BuIlding Code and subDect to the approval of the city engineer. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1Sp:?irIC PL? 83-001 DLm?? Page 2. 8. At the of suh??'ttai of tentati?e tract maps or plans for any zoning approvals, the Applicant shall d??ronstrate that the proposed uses include provisions for flOn-aut?TOtive means of transportation within the project site as a means of reducing dependence on private autc?robiles. This flay include golf cart path systems, bicycle and pedestrian syst?ns?, and other similar Systems consistent with the specific plan. 9. Specific project designs shall enooLiraqe the use of public transit by providing for on-site bus shelters as recuired by the Planning Director and consistent with the requir?ents of local transit districts and the specific plan. 10. The Applicant shall encaLirage and support the use of Sunline van/bus service /Dial-A-Pide/ jitneys between the project site, local airports e.g., Palm Springs, Therral), and other regional land uses. Traffic and Circulation 11. 50th Avenue, Washington Street, Adams Street, Calle Pondo and Avenida Ultimo, contiguous to the project, shall be developed in accordance with their general plan designations and the fa Cuinta mLlnicipal design and stnictural standards in effect at the t? of tentative tract or zoning approval in conjunction with the phased jn?leeentation of the specific plan. 12. Adans Street between 50th and 52nd Avenues shall be inproved to part- width standards with mir?? 32-foot-wide pav?nt, provided that the Applicant may reguest a Specific Plan Aeendment to reconsider the status of Adams Street at a future date prior or in conjunction with, approval of tentative tracts for Phases B and 9. 13. In order to facilitate mitigation of cuculative traffic irpacts of this and other area Projects, the City shall establish a traffic improvement needs monitoring program. This program will undertake biannual traffic count studies to deternine if warrants are met for major roadway irrprove- merits. 3pen determination of needs, the City may initiate projects to meet those needs. punding of this prggram may be by fee programs that assess new developeent and/or users on a pro-rata or fair-share basis, formation of assessment districts, acoulsition of State or Federal road funds, or other means that fairly allocate costs to those generating the need. The Applicant shall agree to pay the designated pro-rata sh?e that the City may establish to fund off-site roadway improv??ents and traffic signalization on an as warranted" basis. 14. The Applicant shall develop all roads internal to the project in accordance with the design standards specified in the specific plan and the structural standards in effect at the tm? of tentative tract or zoning approval area in conjunction with the phased inplmentation of the specific plan. All roadways within the specific plan area shall remain private. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1SP?IFIC pi;N 83-001 IA QUINTA Page 3. 15. Calle Norte the north-s?th street connecting 50th Avenue and Calle Tanpico st of shington Street) between Phases 3 and 7 shall be gated to restrict through traffic, t shall provide for E?r??ency access. At the request of the plicant, this shall be reconsidered at the tir? of pertinent tentative tract approvals and may be revised pr?vided that any redesign does not direct all traffic towards 50th Avenue. 16. Calle Norte shall be a continual'S, loo?type road connecting through Phases 2, 4 and 5 to the r?inder of the internal private road syst?n. 17. The access onto the north side of Calle Tanpico near Desert Club Drive shall either be aligned with Desert Club Drive or be relocated easterly an appropriate distance in order to mliumlZe traffic conflicts. Noise 18. Prior to building permit approval, building setbacks, engineering design, orientation of buildings, and noise barriers shall be utilized to reduce r?ise Impacts fran nearby existing and future roadways to within State standards. 19. Prior to approval of precise developeent plans or tentative tract ps, the Applicant will dermnstrate that residential structures satisfy the S-?te' 5 indoor criterion. ere exposed to noise levels in excess of s?te standards, licant shall install special design features such as doubl?lazed windows, mechanical ventilation, special roof venting, increased innulation, weatherstripping, or caribinations of these n?asures. Bnergy 20. j?g?ir?nents for the installation of solar water heaters shall be deter- mined by the City on a uniform city-wide basis for new constnlction at a later date. The developer shall ly with the reguireeents current at the time of C(?StfllCti?. 21. All tentative naps and developeent plans shall be designed to ensure conpliance with the State laws regarding solar accessibility. the extent possible, all structures shall be sited, oriented and designed so as to Iflb?imize the energy needs for cooling. L?d Use 22. The maxThUrQ' allowable densities of Phases 2 and 5, as identified on hibit B, shall be eight 8) units per acre for a inaxim nurtiber of 52 and 20 units, respectively. 23 ne allowable density of Phase 4, as id?ntified on ibit B, shall be reduced fr?n ten 10) units per acre to five 5) units per acre for a naxIflT? nunher of 25 units. 24. The six-acre mmercial area sh? On Phase 6 on it B shall be deleted. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1SP?TFIC PLAN 83-001 i)T? LA Page 4. 25. The allowable density f? Phases 6 and 7 shall thirteen 13) units per acre for a maxmurfl of 78 units and 429 units, respectively. 26. The maxmiuin allowable density of Phase 9, as identified on I??ibit B, shall be reduced fr?? 5.6 to 4.4 units per acre for a rnaxir? nur?b?? of 251 units. 27. The land use designations stated within the land use surrm?Iy on E?diibit B shall be changed fr?? residential" to residential/corid?miriiurn?', with the exception that Phase 7 shall he designated as *`cond?xminiurn/apart???nt" arid Phase 6 shall be designated as apafti??t?'. 28. Height limitations shall be AMposed as follows: a. portion of any structure on tap of the QL?inta Stornwater annel shall exceed one story or 29 feet, as neasured fr?n the levee grade. b. All structlires shall be limited to two stories not to exceed 35 feet. 29. Any apar?ts ccnstructed within Phases 6 and 7 shall provide a miflinum of one covered parking space for each unit with one or fewer bedro?ns and two covered parking spaces for each unit with two or rr?)re 30. If the apar?t portions of the project include any three-hedrocin units, adequate provision shall be made for recreational open space within the project. 31. The following setbacks for walls, fences and stn?ctures shall be reguired to pruvide for parkways along pLiblic streets. a. Wall setbacks fr? 50th and 52nd Avenues, except where walls now exist on 50th west of Washington, shall be based upon the design of tracts adjacent to said roadways and shall be subject to City review and approval. b. A miflimLim of two 5' x 80' recessed cutouts, one being in the Phase 5 portion and the other being in the Phase 4 portion, shall be provided along Washington Street for the perirr?ter wall. The wall, sidewalk and landscaping shall be installed by Decerri?? 31, 1984, or by the recordation of future tracts for developrent) on Phase 4 or 5, whichever occurs first. In conjunction with these jrrov? ments, the Applicant shall also provide landscaping i.e., lawn) in the future right?f-way between the existing paving for Washington and the future curbline. C. A Ininim' 10-foot setback fran the public right-of-way of Adaim? Street if designated as a public street). BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1sP?IFIC PLAN NO. 83-001 DUNA LA QuIN'T? Page 5. d. Prior to the issuar?e of any grading permits or approval of any tentative maps or other r?g??ired zoning approval, the Applicant all uuit plans to the Planning for review and approval denonstrating that there is adequate setback of street, utility and stn]ctural improverr?nts to provide for the setback of project perimeter walls along pLiblic rDadways in accordance with the City's adopted parkway standards in effect at the time of approval for said permits, unless the standards stated in a) and b) are lesser than the adopted parkway standards. Public Services and Utilities 32. Fire protection shall be provided in accordance with the requireeents of the Uniform Fire Code and the la Qilinta MLinicipal Code in effect at the time of developeent. 33. D???stic water and sanitary sewer service shall be provided in accordance with the reguir?r?ts of Ccachella Valley Water District in effect at the time of developeent. The Applicant shall annex the project site to Improvement District No.55 to obtain permanent wastewater treateent services. 34. The Applicant shall c?r?ly with the foll?ing reauirements of Imperial Irrigation District: a. Applicant shall provide a minimum' 330 foot by 330 foot site for an electrical substation on, or adjacent to, the develop'?nt at Calle Tampico and Adams Street as approved by Iir?erial Irrigation District, the City, and the Applicant; or shall provide, or participate in, other facilities acceptable to Imperial Trrigation District and the City. This shall be resolved prior to recordation of Phase 3. b. The Applicant shall provide a landscaped eafthen berm around the perimeter of the substation as shown on the attached exhibit. c. Any relocation of existing overhead power facilities within or adjacent to the project shall be per District r?ulations ap? icable to the said conditions thereof. 35. All overhead utility lines located along the perTh?ter public roadways, with the exception of high voltage power lines of 66 KV and above, shall be in?talled underground. 36. The Applicant shall pay a per-unit school developeent fee as determ'p'ed by the Desert Sands Unified School District in accordance with the school mitigation agr?merits as approved by the La Quinta City Council and in effect at the time of the issuance of building pernits. 37. Landmark understands that the City was incorporated in 1982 and has not yet enacted a complete policy on exactions on new developeent to pro"ide municipal improvenent and facilities needed as a result of the cunulative impact of such new developeent; and that City is in the process of pre- paring and enacting such a policy, which will include uniform fees to be BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02 )1SP?IFIC PIAN No. 83?001 QUT??TA Page 6. inposed u?n new c?istruction to fund the following public jr?eeents arx? facilities: fire station, ublic safety facility, city hall, park and recreation facilities, schools, drainage facilities, major thorough- fares and bridges and traffic signalizatioii; that City eppects to enact said fees policy on or before Dec?r?er 31, 1984; Landmark agrees to pay said fee or fees in the anr?t and at the tlii? enacted and fran tirr? to tjir? aeended by the City. Th the extent Applicant constructs specific facilities included within the fee structure, it shall receive appropri?te credit, as dete?ed by the City Council. If said fee shall include financin? of permarient or tepporary school facilities, Condition No. 34 school developeent fee) shall be deleted. Miscellaneous 38. Prior to the issunnce of grading permits or the approval of tentative tract maps or other required zoning approvals, the Applicant shall suumit a phasing schedule and map for the entire project, which shall include the phasing of off-site infrastructure, to the Planning Director for revi?- and approval. 39. Applicant shall consent to the formation of a maintenance district under Chapter 26 of the Th?roveir?nt Act of 1911 Streets & Highways Code, Section 5?20 et seq.) or the Lighting and Landscaping Act of 1972 Streets & Highway Code 22500 et seq.) to inpl??nt maintenance of landscaping, pav?Tent, and on-site lighting within all mnrr?nlv main- tained driveways, parking areas, greenbelts, private streets, and other inproved ccccon ownership areas. It is understood and agreed that appropriate h?owners associations shall pay all above costs of maintenance for said impr?ed ccccon areas until uch tine as the City Council deterunnes that, by default of the h?wners association, a need for maintenance work and establishment of a tax rate exists and until such time as tax revenues are received by the district for assess- inent upon the real prcperty. At the request of the Applicant, this shall he reconsidered and may be deleted at the tine of tentative tract approvals. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 08:54:31AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 34-U02