CC Resolution 1984-051)p RESOLUTION NO. 84-51 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated July 17, 1984. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 17th day of July, 1984 ATTEST: CLER APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS O CONTENT. ATTORNEY jmTYMWNA??<- BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 09:05:45AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 51-U02 )p CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER July 17, 1984 TREASURER OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 2864 $ 70.00 Audit Confirmation Fee BRUCE HATTON 2865 500.00 Refund of Landscape Bond DOUGLAS BROWN 2866 399*59 Payroll Advance for Period 7/1/84 7/06/84 SECURITY PACIFIC BANK 2867 3,503.30 Federal Income Tax for June, 1984. INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 2868 157.70 Payroll Taxes Withheld Filing & Interest Charges STATE TREASURER 2870 621.50 SCHOOL & GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES BUREAU Contribution Return & Report of Local Public Entity Employees' Wages under the Unemployment Insurance Code for Quarter Ended 6/30/84. EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2871 350.13 DE8003 Quarterly Contribution Return under the UnerrLploylnent Insurance Code for Quarter Ended 6/30/84. PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM 2872 1,600.55 Member & Employer Contributions for Period 6/16/84 6/30/84. LAWRENCE ALLEN, JUDITH COX, ROBERT BAlER, 2873- 2,180.00 FRED WOLFF 2876 Expense Advance for Mayors and Council Members Executive Forum, July 10-14, 1984, Monterey, CA. U.S. POSTMASTER 2877 500.00 Postage Reimbursement PETTY CASH 2878 89.34 Petty Cash Reimbursement BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 09:05:45AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 51-U02 )pDemand/Warrant Register July 17, 1984 Page 2 FIRSTWORLD TRAVEL OF COACHELLA VALLEY 2879 $ 360.00 Air Fare for Judith Cox, Lawrence Allen, & Robert Baier? Mayor & Council Members Executive Forum, Monterey, CA. PAYROLL 7/1/84 7/13/84 2880- 10,342.84 2893 ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 2894 41.34 Printing Business Cards BLACK GOLD GAS STATION 2895 234.75 Automobile Maintenance for June, 1984. THE BLUEPRINTER 2896 50.65 Maps RE: Annexation & Street Improvement. BRETZ VOLKSWAGEN 2897 92.36 Vehicle Service & Maintenance CALIFORNIA PARK & RECREATION SOCIETY? INC. 2898 1.75 Postage THE CARLSON GROUP 2899 180.00 Janitorial Services for June? 1984. CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 2900 105.97 Office Supplies CARR & CARR, INC. 2901 18.50 Automobile Maintenance & Operation CVAG 2902 7,450.00 Annual Dues FY 1984-1985. COULSON AND HOFFMAN 2903 2,351.90 Engineering Plancheck Services RE: Duna La Quinta & Catholic Church DAILY NEWS 2904 51.68 Legal Advertisements DUCA & MCCOY 2905 1,200.00 Engineering Services Contractual & Subdivision Mapcheck ELITE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS 2906 833.35 Dictation Equipment City Attorney BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 09:05:45AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 51-U02 )pDemand/Warrant Register July 17, 1984 Pag? 3 FEDERHART & ASSOCIATES 2907 $ 960.00 Contractual Engineering Services Eis./Wash. Traffic Signal(final billing) GOODYEAR TIRE CENTER 2908 8.50 Automobile aintenance & Operation HOUSTON'S COUNTRY CLUB SWEEPING 2909 1,444.00 June, 1984 Sweeping. THE INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ASSOC. 2910 330.00 I.C.M.A. Dues City Manager LA QUINTA BUILDERS SUPPLY INC. 2911 107.72 Special Dept. Supplies Animal Control & Street Maintenance. I. LDNDQUIST LTD. 2912 49.95 Dues & Publications THE LOCK SHOP INC. 2913 16.30 Keys City Hall MASSEY SAND & ROCK CO. 2914 446.79 Street Maintenance Special Dept. Supplies PBCC 1 2915 87.00 Mailing Machine Rental for Period 7/20/84 8/20/84. PJ?S DESERT TROPHIES & GIFTS 2916 53.13 Council Name Tags & Recognition Plaque- Commissioner Imkamp. THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE 2917 151.34 Legal Ad Personnel THE PRINT SHOP 2918 26.50 Special Dept. Supplies Animal Control. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2919 399.97 DEPT. OF HEALTH Animal Control Services for May, 1984. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2920 1,130.90 ROAD DEPT. Road Repairs & Trash Bags RE: bitter Clean-Up COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 2921 110,237.40 BEN CLARK, SHERIFF Law Enforcement Services For Period 4/1/84 6/30/84. BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 09:05:45AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 51-U02 )pDemand/Warrant Register July 17, 1984 Page 4 SMART & FINAL 2922 $ 31.88 Janitorial & Special Dept. Supplies SPARKLETTS 2923 57.91 Equipment Rental STOCKWELL & BINNEY 2924 42.39 Office Supplies ROCCO?S WATER TRUCK 2925 900.00 Watering Prograrn for Oleanders UNITED CENTRAL BANK TRUSTEE 2926 2,327.91 Employee Health Insurance Prernium for July, 1984. RAY WOOD ASSOCIATES 2927 750.00 Professional Financial Services for June? 1984. XEROX CORPORATION 2928 372.87 Copier Rental for May, 1984. TOTAL $153,219.66 BIB] 05-03-1996-U01 09:05:45AM-U01 CCRES-U02 84-U02 51-U02