CC Resolution 1985-011+ RESOLUTION NO. 85-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING DEMANDS. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, to approve demands as shown on the Demand/Warrant Register dated February 19, 1985. APPROVED and ADOPTED this 19th day of February, 1985. ATTEST: CITY CLERK K APPROVED AS TO FORM.' APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: 2 CITY MANAGER?ER BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:30:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 11-U02 + CITY OF LA QUINTA DEMAND/WARRANT REGISTER February 19, 1985 PAYROLL 1/26/85 2/8/85 3769- $ 9,079.88 3781 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 3801 50.00 Sphere of Influence, Environmental Assessment COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 3802 1,500.00 Sphere of Influence, Application Fee NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 3803 215.00 Registration Fee for Annual Congressional City Conference, March 23-26, 1985, Lawrence Allen Attending. MORT BRENNAN 3804 2,178.00 City Hall Office Rental for February, 1985. PAYROLL 1/21/85 2/8/85 3805- 5,627.69 3812 RIVERSIDE COUNTY EMPLOYEES' FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 3813 449.00 Employees' Payroll Deductions for Payroll Period Ended 2/8/85. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3814 525.00 Planning Commissioners Institute, February 28 March, 1985, Lawrence Stevens, Thomas Thornburgh, John walling, John Klimkiewicz, and Lucia Moran Attending. NECA/WEST 3815 240.00 Registration for Changes t? the 1984 National Electrical Code, February 18, 1985, Tom Graham and Tom Hartung Attending. ANN JENNINGS 3830 500.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities City Managers' Dept. Meeting, February 12-16, 1985. FRANK M. USHER 3831 500.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities City Managers' Dept. Meeting, February 12-16, 1985. U.S. POSTMASTER 3832 500.00 Postage Meter Refill. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:30:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 11-U02 +Demand/Warrant Register February 19, 1985 Page 2 U.S. POSTMASTER 3833 $ 286.00 Postage, February, 1985, Newsletters. ARROW PRINTING COMPANY 3834 424.96 Letterhead, Envelopes, & Business Cards. BRETZ VOLKSWAGEN 3835 52.50 City Vehicle Maintenance. CATHEDRAL CITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 3836 231.19 Office Supplies. DAILY NEWS 3837 119.68 Legal Advertisements. DUCA & MCCOY 3838 2,625.00 Contractual Engineering Services for January, 1985. HOUSTON'S COUNTRY CLUB SWEEPING 3839 577.60 Street Sweeping for January, 1985. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS 3840 100.00 Plans Examiner Test for Tom Graham and Tom Hartung. JOHN KLIMKIEWICZ 3841 375.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute. K-MART 3842 333.42 Special Departmental Supplies, Public Safety Dept. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3843 50.00 1984-85 Inland Empire Dues. LUCIA MORAN 3844 375.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute. PBCC 1 3845 87.00 Mailing Machine Rental for Period 2/20/85 3/20/85. PHOTOGRAPHY BY DENNIS 3846 420.82 Official Council Portraits. THE PRINTING PLACE 3847 155.18 Special Departmental Supplies, Building Dept. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 3848 327.47 Animal Control Services for December, 1984. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:30:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 11-U02 +Demand/Warrant Register February 19, 1985 Page 3 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE SUPPLY SERVICES DIVISION 3849 $ 294.72 Office Supplies. SCHWAAB 3850 30.30 Office Supplies LAWRENCE STEVENS 3851 375.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute. STOCKWELL & BINNEY 3852 774.66 Office Supplies and Office Furniture. TOM THORNBURGH 3853 375.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute. JOHN WALLING 3854 375.00 Expense Advance for League of California Cities Planning Commissioner's Institute. RAY WOOD ASSOCIATES 3855 750.00 Financial Management Services for January, 1985. YELLOW MART STORES 3856 62.77 Special Departmental Supplies, Streets & Highways Dept. TOTAL $30,942.84. BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:30:20AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 11-U02