CC Resolution 1985-014+ RESOLUTION NO. 85-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE FEE TO BE IMPOSED ON NEW DEVELOPMENT URGENCY MEASURE) WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta was incorporated in 1982 and, on an interim basis, the City has adopted the existing County General Plan. The City is now in the process of preparing its own complete General Plan which will include, among others, land use, circulation, recreation and public facilities elements; and WHEREAS, since its incorporation, the City has been and continues to experience significant development pressure in the form of applications and proposals for new residential and commercial- land development within the City; and WHEREAS, new development does not currently pay its reasonable share for infrastructure improvements while development is occurring in La Quinta at a rapid rate adding further deteriora- tion and impacts on the City's existing infrastructure; and WHEREAS, there are inadequate facilities in the City and there is a need to develop a drainage system since La Quinta is located in several flood zones and is therefore subject to serious flooding of both a local and regional nature; and WHEREAS, there is a lack of public improvements and facilities, including a deficiency in public safety facilities, and the City is responsible for maintaining an appropriate level of service to the present and future citizens of La Quinta; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta currently has no permanent public buildings, such as a City Hall and Municipal Library, to conduct government business and provide for quality service to the community and there is a need to acquire land for and construct such public buildings; and 1 WHEREAS, there is no specific funding source to acquire and and develop City parks and recreation facilities, and ma2ntain and improve its existing park facilities and there is a definite need to provide for the public's park and recreation needs to accommodate the City's growing population; and WHEREAS, the City's existing circulation system is inadequate to handle current and future traffic patterns and it is essential to widen City streets which have inadequate width, improve the circulation system to accommodate an anticipated increase in traffic, and improve and develop bridges and traffic signals for suitable traffic flow and to minimize conflicts between vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian movement; and BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:33:12AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 14-U02 +RESOLUTION 85-14 WHEREAS, the existing development fee collected for fire and Police facilities and equipment and traffic signalization pursuant to section 3.17.020 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is inadequate to address future anticipated development; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the continued and cumulative development of the City, with the consequent increase in population and in the use of public facilities, will impose increased requirements for such facilities, including but not limited to park and recreation facilities, drainage facilities, major thoroughfares and bridges and traffic signalization, fire station, public safety facility, city hall, and library; and that the necessity for such facilities results directly from new development and the need cannot be met and financed from ordinary City revenues; and WHEREAS, the most practicable and equitable method of paying for such needed facilities is to impose a fee upon new development within the City and the payment of such a fee will enable the City to fund a construction program to provide such public facilities as they are required and demanded; that if a development agrees to pay the community infrastructure fee established by this policy, the Council will be able to find that all necessary public facilities and services will be available concurrent with need and, in the event such findings cannot be made, the City Council will be required to disapprove the development until such time as the Citys new General Plan is completed and adopted and permanent community infrastructure fee exaction is imposed upon new develop- ment; and WHEREAS, on July 17, 1984, City Council adopted its Resolution No. 84-53, establishing an interim policy relative to community infrastructure fees, and the City staff is in the process of preparing a proposed permanent community infrastructure fee to be imposed upon new development for submittal to and adoption by the City Council; and WHEREAS, said permanent infrastructure fee is not yet completed and established and it is necessary to establish an interim fee for community infrastructure to be imposed upon new development, payment of which will allow development to proceed in an orderly manner while providing funding for such needed community infra- structure. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE OF LA QUINTA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Prior to approval of any zoning, rezoning, subdivision, or development proposal, the applicant shall enter into an agreement with the City whereby applicant agrees to pay to the City the interim community infrastructure fee as herein adopted by the City Council. A form copy of said agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A" to this BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:33:12AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 14-U02 +RESOLUTION 85-14 Resolution. Said fee shall be paid prior to issuance of building permits, except that for good cause shown, the Community Development Department extend the time for payment during this urgency interim period only, of all or part of the fee prior to issuance of occupancy permits. Said interim community infrastructure fee shall be computed as follows: a) Residential $2,000 per unit * b) Commercial, Office, Industrial $4,000 per Acre * There is excluded from said fee all lots or units for which a Plot Plan has been submitted and/or approved prior to the date of this Resolution; provided that said lots or units so excluded, shall be subject to payment of the Fire and Police Facilities and Equipment Fund and Traffic Signalization Fund Development Fees pursuant to L.Q.M.C. Section 3.17.020. 2. The City expects to adopt a permanent community? infrastructure fee prior to December 30, 1985. To the extent payment of the interim fee established herein, exceeds the permanent fee to be established, said excess payment shall be refunded to the payor within thirty 30) days following establishment of said permanent fee. 3. This interim community infrastructure fee shall be in lieu of the Fire and Police Facilities and Equipment Fund and Traffic Signalization Fund Development Fees, pursuant to Section 3.17.020. of the La Quinta Municipal Code. 4. There is excluded from the fees imposed by this interim policy, the following: a) Any person when imposition of such fee upon that person would be in violation of the constitution and laws of the United States or the State of California. b) The construction of any building by the City of La Quinta, the United States or any department or agency thereof or by the State of California or any department, agency or political subdivision thereof. 5. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this policy. His decision may be appealed to the City Council whose decision shall be final. 6. All proceeds from fees collected pursuant to finally adopted permanent community infrastructure fee policy shall be paid into a special capital outlay fund to be established by the City. Said fund or funds shall be used only for the purpose of acquiring, building, improving, expanding and equipping public property and BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:33:12AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 14-U02 +RESOLUTION NO. 85-14 public improvements and facilities including those facilities set forth above in this Resolution and other similar projects as the City Council may deem necessary and appropriate. Designation of expenditures of funds available from the special capital outlay fund(s) shall be made by the City Council in the context of approval of the CityY5 annual operating and capital improvements budget or at such other time as the Council may direct. 7. This Resolution is adopted as an urgency measure as an interim fee to protect the public health, welfare and safety. The reasons for this urgency action are set forth in the Whereas" to this Resolution coupled with the fact that: a) The City's public facilities and services are at capacity and are not available to adequately accommodate the addi- tional need for public facilities and services resulting from proposed new development; b) City cannot and will not make required findings that public facilities and services are available to meet the demands of future development with?ut financial developer assistance to pay for such services and facilities; and c) Developers with developments totaling many hundreds of units are presently in a position to request and obtain building permits and other development entitlements and, unless this Resolution is adopted as an urgency measure, such develop- ments may escape payment of their pro-rata fair share of the cost of said needed public facilities and services. APP?OVP:D and ADOPTED THIS 19th day of February 1985. ATTEST: CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ffl$ CITY ATT Y CIT? ANAGER BIB] 05-21-1996-U01 09:33:12AM-U01 CCRES-U02 85-U02 14-U02