1997 09 23 RDA MinutesA# LA *UlNTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER23, 1997 Special meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Sniff. PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Henderson, Holt, Perkins, Chairman Sniff ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed BUSINESS SESSION None STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION REGARDING STATUS OF AGENCY'S AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAMS. Mr. Frank Spevacek, with Rosenow, Spevacek Group, Consultants for the Redevelopment Agency, advised that the purpose of this report is to update the Board on the efforts to-date regarding pursuing our affordable housing production requirements and to seek the Board's direction as it relates to the Agency's rental housing program and resale housing program. As background, Mr. Spevacek advised that the law requires that 20% of the annual tax increment revenues be set aside to increase and improve the supply of affordable housing in both project areas. Currently, the Agency is receiving $1.5-$1.8 million annually that is put into the housing fund. A majority of those funds are used to retire debt service on the $22 million affordable housing bonds that the Agency issued in 1 995. We did that because law also requires that 1 5% of all new or substantially rehabilitated housing units in both project areas be affordable to very low, low and moderate income households. Additionally, 40% of those units must be available to very low income households. Those units must have covenants attached to them to guarantee that the units will remain affordable for the life of the project areas 26 years for No.1 and 32 years for No.2). BIB] 10-20-1997-U01 03:09:14PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 09-U02 23-U02 1997-U02 A# I Redevelopment Agency Minutes Page 2 September 23, 1 997 In 1994, Redevelopment Law was.modjfied to require that the Agency adopt a 10-year plan that projects how the Agency will achieve the mandated housing production requirements. The law further requires that the housing plan be updated when the Agency's Five-Year Implementation Plans are reviewed 2 Y2 years after adoption. In October, staff will be before the Board with the Five- Year Plan in a public hearing format. Since 1 994, the Agency has invested $10.3 million in affordable housing production efforts which have produced a total of 21 8 covenant restricted units of which 1 62 are affordable to very low income households and 56 are affordable to low and moderate income households. The Agency has a remaining projected housing production need of 1,361 units by 2004 470 very low income and 891 low and moderate income. Accounting for the projects currently being discussed, the Agency will have a housing production deficit in 2004 of 845 to 885 units. Mr. Spevacek then reviewed the Agency's Rental Housing Program, advising that the Agency currently owns 49 units which are rented to very low income households that receive Section 8 rental assistance from the County. They are currently managed by La Quinta Real Estate. They generate $20,000 in net monthly income and as of July 1 997, they have generated a total of $41 5,000 in net rental income. The original direction of the Board was to retain them for a period of time until the Cove residential resale market stabilized and then begin selling them. However, the Cove real estate values have declined and market conditions have not been favorable to sell the units. Redevelopment Law restricts the Agency from owning real property for an extended period of time unless eventually they're going to be used for another purpose, i.e, be demolished and used for new construction; so if the Agency elects to retain the units as rentals, it would be appropriate to establish a housing authority, of which there are two forms to consider. One involves establishing a separate entity that could involve a combination of Council Members and renters serving as the governing body; and the second would involve reconstituting the Redevelopment Agency as a Community Development Commission which would provide the existing Redevelopment Agency both redevelopment and housing authority powers and the board would be the same as the Agency Board is currently constituted. In response to Board Member Henderson, Mr. Spevacek advised that a Commission would still have the same restrictions on use funds such as for library services. Board Member Henderson didn't think that she could support placing any of the rental units on the market for at least the next two years because of the impact BIB] 10-20-1997-U01 03:09:14PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 09-U02 23-U02 1997-U02 A# I. Redevelopment Agency Minutes Page 3 September 23, 1 997 it could have on the Cove housing market. Therefore, she would be looking for a direction that would allow the Agency to maintain ownership for a period of time. She wasn't sold on the housing authority idea, and wished to have more information on the commission format. Chairman Sniff agreed. In response to Board Member Perkins, Ms. Honeywell, Agency's Legal Counsel, advised that the Agency shouldn't hold property for more than a year. In the past what we've done is adopt a plan where we propose to sell a few of the units every year for a certain number of years until they're eventually all sold one has been sold). Therefore, we've taken the position that having a plan to sell them has met the concerns but we should be somewhat more aggressive in selling them). But if the Board now wishes to take the position of not wanting to sell them for awhile, then some other direction needs to be given. Mr. Spevacek said that we could indicate to the management firm that we wish to actively pursue the selling of a couple of the units. Chairman Sniff felt that we should indicate to the agent that we want to sell two or three and to place them on the market then next year review it again and see where we are. Board Member Perkins disliked the connotation of a housing authority. In response to his questions, Mr. Spevacek advised that reconstituting the Agency to a Commission would result in the Agency no longer being in existence and they would gain more authority. The State would continue to have control. Board Member Henderson wished to have more information on the Commission and to direct staff to place two units on the market. Board Member Holt said that she tends to shy away from a housing authority also. She felt that when it comes to the whole housing program, when we are looked at, we are looked at for our efforts. She was supportive of putting two units on the market. She believed that we are on top in making progress in fulfilling this need. Mr. Spevacek advised that is correct, that a State report listing the top ten agencies in meeting this requirement, La Quinta was in the top five. Board Member Adolph expressed the same feelings about a housing authority. BIB] 10-20-1997-U01 03:09:14PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 09-U02 23-U02 1997-U02 A# I" Redevelopment Agency Minutes Page 4 September 23, 1 997 Staff was directed to indicate to our agent to place two units on the market this year and to come back with a more detailed report on the formation of a commission and what it would entail. La Quinta Rental* Housing Program Maintenance Mr. Spevacek advised that several homes have been identified by staff as being in need of both interior and exterior maintenance. A total of $200,000 of improvement costs were identified. Staff proposed that the Agency Board consider authorizing these improvements with funding being derived from the surplus rental income. The Board concurred on giving such authorization. Unit Purchase/Rehabilitation/Resale Mr. Spevacek advised that in 1 997, the Agency adopted the La Quinta Housing Program that funded silent second trust deed mortgages; rehabilitation loans of up to $25,000 per unit; and the purchase of dilapidated single-family dwellings which would then be rehabilitated and sold to low income households. He then showed slides of ten units identified by staff which could be purchased, rehabilitated and sold. These homes range in price from $50,000-$70,000. Staff was looking for direction to acquire two of these units. The rehabilitation could be done by either the Building Horizons Program or a private contractor. The homes would then have the affordability covenant assuring their affordability for 26 years. Board Member Henderson expressed concern that the Board just gave direction to place two units on the market and now we're going to place two more. Chairman Sniff felt that we can sell the two previously authorizing, pointing out that these two won't be coming on-line for sale for some time. The Board concurred in giving direction to purchase and rehabilitate two units for sale and that both options for having the work done be explored. BIB] 10-20-1997-U01 03:09:14PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 09-U02 23-U02 1997-U02 A# I Redevelopment Agency Minutes Page 5 September 23, 1 997 CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) REGARDING EXISTING LITIGATION; LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY V. DIEHL EVANS & COMPANY, CASE NO.782308; CITY OF ORANGE V. ALABAMA TREASURY ADVISORY PROGRAM, CASE NO. BC 106461; REFCO, CASE NO. CV92-7626RJK. 2. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(b)3(E) REGARDING POTENTIAL LITIGATION ONE CASE). The Board reconvened with no decision being made which requires reporting pursuant to the Brown Act. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Res ectfully submitted, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency BIB] 10-20-1997-U01 03:09:14PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 09-U02 23-U02 1997-U02