1999 10 05 RDA Minutesing -> 10 LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MINUTES OCTOBER 5, 1999 Regular meeting of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency was called to order by Chairman Perkins. PRESENT: Board Members Adolph, Henderson, Pena, Sniff, Chairman Perkins ABSENT: None 7:00 P.M. CLOSED SE I N None PUBLIC COMMENT None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to approve the Minutes of September21, 1999, as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED OCTOBER 5, 1999. MOTION It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Pena to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion carried unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION None STUDY SESSION None DEPARTMENT REPORTS None BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10Redevelopment Agency Minutes 2 October 5, 1 999 CHAIR AND BOARD MEMBERS? ITEMS None PUBLIC HEARINGS JOINT PUBLIC HEARINGS WITH THE CITY OF LA QUINTA 1. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER A LEASE TRANSACTION BETWEEN THE AGENCY AND THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FOR FOUR VACANT PARCELS OF LAND OWNED BY THE AGENCY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA AND WEST OF AVENIDA BERMUDAS. The Chairman declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. Mr. Herman, Community Development Director, advised that the Post Office is requesting a ground lease for four lots owned by the Agency located north of Avenida Montezuma and west of Avenida Bermuda. The Post Office is planning to build a new facility in the City within the next two years, but the existing facility is inadequate to conduct their current business, and the temporary facility will allow them to shift some of the current activity from t?e existing facility. The lease is for two years with an option for a one-year extension. The site will have three modular units and be paved and fenced. It will also be available for parking during the La Quinta Arts Foundation Arts Festival. He advised that the Postal Service is requesting that the requirement to remove the asphalt and replace it with grass and irrigation, should the Agency desire, be eliminated. Board Member Henderson asked if the Post Office has accepted the conditions of the lease, to which Mr. Herman responded no, adding that the two issues that need to be resolved are liability and the asphalt removal. Board Member Sniff asked about the requirement standards for the parking lot, and if there will be any sewer hook-ups. Mr. Herman advised that the parking lot will have to meet City standards, and he wasn?t sure if there would be a sewer hook-up. Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that the parking lot will have to be built to the same standards as other parking lots in the City, with three inches of asphalt on four inches of base. BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 3 October 5, 1 999 In response to Board Member Pena, Mr. Herman confirmed that the placement of the modulars and construction of the parking lot will come back to staff for review. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Speer advised that under the current City Code, gravel parking lots are not allowed. He confirmed that the La Quinta Arts Foundation is planning to use gravel on their site, but are preparing a Specific Plan that allows them that latitude. Chairman Perkins questioned the Post Office's estimate of $100,000 for removal of the asphalt. Board Member Henderson felt it's mostly a problem of disposal. In response to Board Member Adolph, Mr. Herman advised that two driveways are proposed off of Avenida Bermudas and Avenida Navarro to allow the trucks to drive straight through. They will be designed to blend into the curbs and gutters when they are constructed. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Vogt advised that the only impact to the planned developments in the Village area will be the curb cuts. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Herman confirmed that under the proposed agreement, the Post Office is responsible for removing the modulars, fencing, landscaping, and asphalt if the Agency desires) at the end of the lease. Board Member Sniff felt that the asphalt, if it remains, would be somewhat impacted by the removal of the fence and landscaping. Board Member Henderson noted that the City does not have a final design for the property, and may not even want a parking lot there in two years. Board Member Adolph suggested requiring 1 5 gallon plants every three feet, rather than having a requirement to cover the fence in time." Chairman Perkins advised that he's more prone to work with the Postal Service than any other Federal agency, but questioned why they would expect the City to remove the asphalt after the City allows them to use the land. He might be willing to split it 50/50, but felt that the City is doing them a favor by leasing them the property for $1 /year. He noted that in two or three years the City may not want a parking lot in that location, and that the modulars aren't going to be very attractive while the City is trying to do something with the downtown area. BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10Redevelopment Agency Minutes 4 October 5, 1 999 Board Member Sniff reiterated his concerns about damaging the soil and asphalt when the landscaping is removed, as well as the unknowns regarding a possible sewer hook-up. He noted that there's a lot of unanswered questions. Board Member Rena asked for a consensus regarding the asphalt removal. The Agency concurred on retaining the original language placing the responsibility for removal upon the Post Office, at the City?s discretion). Mr. Herman asked about adding language regarding the size of the planting material. Board Member Adolph suggested five-foot high, 1 5 gallon bougainvillea plants to be planted at a minimum of five feet on center. Mr. Genovese, Executive Director, advised that staff will check with a landscape architect to determine the appropriate size and include it in the language of the agreement. Staff will also include appropriate language for the site to be returned to its original! form, which will cover any improvements they might install, including sewer hook-ups. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Chairman declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. RESOLUTION NO. RA 99-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A TWO-YEAR LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE FOR PROPERTY TO BE USED FOR THE SPECIFIC PURPOSE OF POSTAL SERVICE TO THE CITY. MOTION It was moved by Board Members Sniff/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. RA 99-08 as amended with language added regarding the size of plant materials and the restoration of the site). Motion carried unanimously. 2. JOINT PUBLIC HEARING BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO CONSIDER THE CONVEYANCE OF THREE WELL SITE PROPERTIES FROM THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO THE COACH ELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT. The Chairman declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN. BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10 Redevelopment Agency Minutes 5 October 5, 1 999 Mr. Speer, Senior Engineer, advised that this is a request to convey three well site properties to CVWD. He advised that in 1 989 and 1 992, CVWD conveyed two parcels to the City on the condition that the parcels be replaced with alternative parcels for use as well sites. The parcels received from CVWD were used to realign Washington Street north of Avenue 47, and to expand Fritz Burns Park. The third well site is an RDA obligation associated with the Miraflores affordable housing project. He then reviewed the proposed well site locations as follows: well site #1 south side of Miles Avenue, approximately mile west of Adams Street; well site #2 northwest corner of the North Park site at Adams Street and Westward Ho Drive; and well site #3 north side of Avenue 48, % mile east of Adams Street. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Speer advised that CVWD's standard well site size is 1 50' X 1 50', but well site #2 is an extra 20 feet wide in one direction. Mr. Speer advised that Catellus will construct a wall around well site #3, and that that well is already being dug. The landscaping on all three sites will occur as the City develops its adjacent property. In response to Board Member Pena, Mr. Speer confirmed that well site #3 is not on the Miraflores property. He advised that the site that would have worked well was too close to a well site in Rancho La Quinta. CVWD agreed to move the well site location so that Catellus wouldn?t have to redesign the Miraflores tract, but in turn they've asked the City to make good on the old agreements to convey lots back to them. Board Member Pena asked if the trade was for like-size well sites. Mr. Speer advised that he wasn't sure, but believed the Fritz Burns Park parcel was smaller and the Washington Street parcel was larger. In response to Board Member Sniff, Mr. Speer advised that well site #3 will tie into CVWD's domestic water system and serve other subdivisions in the area. Chairman Perkins asked if there will be any additional costs to the City for these well sites, to which Mr. Speer responded no. There being no one else wishing to speak, the Chairman declaredthe PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED. BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02 ing -> 10Redevelopment Agency Minutes 6 October 5, 1 999 RESOLUTION NO. RA 99-09 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FROM THE LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. MOTION It was moved by Board Members Henderson/Adolph to adopt Resolution No. RA 99-09 as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, PHYLLIS eputy Secretary La Quinta Redevelopment Agency f BIB] 10-18-1999-U01 01:54:11PM-U01 ADMIN-U01 RDAMIN-U02 10-U02 05-U02 1999-U02