ORD 293ORDINANCE 293 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING THE SIGN REGULATIONS, CHAPTER 9.160 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE CASE NO.: ZOA 96-054 CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 17th day of December, 1996, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider Zoning Ordinance Amendment 96-054; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did on the 26t' day of November, 1996, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider revision to the regulations for signs in the City of La Quinta and recommended approval of the revisions; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said City Council did find the following facts, findings, and reasons to justify approval of said Zoning Ordinance Amendment: 1. The proposed revisions will not adversely affect the planned development of the City as specified by the General Plan for the City of La Quinta because the sign regulations provide requirements which work in concert with and enhance the community. 2. The proposed Amendment would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the City because the sign regulations are designed to insure that unsafe conditions do not occur. 3. There will be no significant adverse impacts resulting from this Zoning Ordinance Amendment because the sign regulations not only enhance the community, but also eliminate sign clutter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter 9.160 of the La Quinta Municipal Code is hereby amended as contained in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of. ORDDRFT.056 1 Ordinance No. 293 SECTION 2. ENVIRONMENTAL. Environmental Assessment 96-314 was certified by the City Council for the existing Sign Ordinance and pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, it has been determined, that no new effects occur and no new mitigation measures are required. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. SECTION 4. POSTING. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, and shall cause the same to be posted in at least three public places designated by resolution of the City Council and the same shall be in full force and effect immediately after its adoption, and shall cause this Ordinance and its certification, together with proof of posting, to be entered into the Book of Ordinances of this City. The foregoing Ordinance was approved and adopted at a meeting of the City Council held on this 71h day of January, 1997, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Adolph, Henderson, Sniff, Mayor Holt NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member Perkins ABSTAIN: None GLENDA L. HOLT, Mayor City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: SAUNDRA L. JU-HOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: - DAWN C. HONEYWELL,cam City Attorney City of La Quinta, California ORDDRFT.056 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss. CITY OF LA QUINTA ) I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 293 which was introduced on the 17th day of December, 1996 and was adopted at a regular meeting held on the 7th day of January, 1997 not being less than 5 days after date of introduction thereof. I further certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted in three (3) places within the Cit of La Quinta as specified in a resolution of the City Council. UNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California DECLARATION OF POSTING I, SAUNDRA L. JUHOLA, City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance was posted on January 22, 1997 pursuant to City Co cil Resolution. UNDRA L. JU LA, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Ordinance 293 EXHIBIT "A" 1. Replace Table 1601 No. 15., 18., and 19. with: 15. Directional and non-profit public information Free-standing 6 sq. ft. No signs for public, quasi -public, and non-profit uses on public or private property, adjacent to an Arterial thoroughfare. Number, shape, location, and height (maximum 6-feet) of signs shall be approved by the Director of Community Development and Public Works. 18. Temporary for sale, lease, open house, or rent Free-standing 6 sq. ft., 4 No signs located on the subject property. One feet high. sign per street frontage. Aggregate not to exceed 12 sq. ft. 19. Temporary for sale, lease, open house, or rent Free-standing 12 sq. ft. 6 No signs located on commercial/ten acre ft. high. residential parcels in one ownership. One sign Aggregate per street frontage not to exceed 24 sq. ft, 2. Section 9.160.060.A, F. and G. shall be amended as follows: A. Definition. "Temporary sign" means any non -illuminated sign which may require a sign permit and which is intended to be posted for a maximum of 60 days. Temporary signs include without limitation: political campaign signs, garage sale signs, and seasonal sales signs. F. Placement Restrictions. Temporary signs shall not be posted on sidewalk surfaces, mail boxes, utility boxes, electric light or power or telephone wires, poles or appendages, hydrants, trees, shrubs, tree stakes or guards, public bridges, fences or walls, fire alarm or police telegraph systems, drinking fountains, life buoys, life preservers, lifesaving equipment, street signs, or traffic signs or signals. Temporary signs shall be posted no closer than five feet from the edge of the paved area of any public road or street. Temporary signs shall be placed no less than 200 feet apart from identical or substantially similar temporary signs and shall not be visible simultaneously with the boundaries of the City. Temporary signs shall not be posted in a manner which obstructs the visibility of traffic or street signs or signals or emergency equipment. ORD293.EXH Ordinance 293 G. Sign Permit Required. Any person, business, campaign organization, or other entity who proposes to post more than five temporary signs on private or public property shall make application to the Community Development Department for a sign permit. To insure sign removal upon expiration of the permitted posting time, a refundable deposit as established by City Council Resolution shall be paid in conjunction with the issuance of the sign permit. 3. Add "I" and "J" to Section 9.160.060 as follows: I. The placement of temporary signs for existing commercial businesses during the construction of any Department of Public Works contract over 45-days in length, where the ingress and egress points to a commercial establishment, have been interrupted, and further when the construction/modification of the public street involves a distance of more than 3,000 feet in length, the above regulations pertaining to temporary signs and the associated processing fees, shall not be enforced for the duration of the Department of Public Works street contract. However, the placement of temporary signs must not interfere with site visibility for vehicular movement. J. A grand opening banner is allowed on each building street frontage within six months of the business opening with a sign permit. The signs shall consist of light- weight fabric or similar material attached to the building wall below the eave line for a period not to exceed 30-days. The signs shall be non -illuminated and its size shall not exceed 32 square feet. 4. Section 9.160.070.A. shall be amended as follows: A. Definition. "Semi -permanent sign" means a non -illuminated sign which requires a sign, such as advertising the future construction of a facility, model home complex, commercial, or residential subdivision identification which is intended to be erected or posted for a minimum of 61 days and a maximum of one year. A permit for semi- permanent signs advertising future facility construction shall not be approved until a Development Review Application has been submitted. 5. Section shall be amended to read: 5. Flags, banners, pennants, streamers, spinners, festoons, windsocks, valances, or similar displays, unless specifically permitted in this Chapter; 6. Section shall be amended as follows: 8.c. Maximum 30 off -site temporary directional signs, 9 square feet in area, subject to the provisions of Section 9.160.060, Paragraphs C through H with the exception of Paragraph E. Ordinance 293 7. Section shall be amended as follow: 6.c. Maximum 30 off -site temporary directional signs, 9 square feet in area, subject to the provisions of Section 9.160.060, Paragraphs C through H with the exception of Paragraph E. ORD293.EXH